Work & Education aligned to the Future 25 to 28 October 2017 #EFVET17 Work & Education aligned to the Future 25 to 28 October 2017 #EFVET17 Work & Education aligned to the Future 25 to 28 October 2017 #EFVET17


Work & Education

The World Economic Forum, in its 2016 publication “The Future of jobs”, states we are at the beginning of a Fourth Industrial Revolution. This is not only a technological revolution, as there are also socio-economic, geopolitical and demographic changes influencing the new scenario.

Today’s job markets and in-demand skills are vastly different from the ones of ten or even five years ago, and the pace of change is only set to accelerate. Governments, businesses and individuals alike are increasingly concerned with identifying and forecasting skills that are relevant not just today but that will remain or become so in the future to meet business demands for talent. Skills mismatches are then not only about today, but between today’s skills and future skills requirements. Some studies forecast 65% of children in today’s primary schools will work in jobs not existing yet. So we must look to those skills people will need in order to face a rapidly changing labour market.

aligned to the future

To tackle the future challenges, all stakeholders – governments, companies, education providers and others – have to work closely to develop the 21st century curriculum. It requires new and collaborative approaches – to support individual talent, innovation, and entrepreneurship and to facilitate new incentives and opportunities. The New Skills Agenda, launched in June 2016 by the European Commission, encompasses also a number of actions to ensure that the right training, the right skills and the right support are available to people in the European Union; reskilling and upskilling of our workers is critical too.

According to CEDEFOP’s Director, Mr. James Calleja, one of the priorities for the next years is “to look at the world of work and the world of education and to see how we can align them to build the right workforce for the future”. So what is better other, than to explore in our 26th Conference in Thessaloniki how to bring closer those two worlds to face together this uncertain future?

Reflect, Share, Explore

Around this subject there are many different aspects to reflect on, share experiences and best practices and explore ways of collaboration:

  • What’s the role of VET providers in the upskilling and reskilling of today’s labour force?

  • How to make use of the New Skills Agenda and how can it connect VET, the labour market and the digital world?

  • How could EfVET contribute to future discussions on the issues engaging not only VET schools, but also SME’s and others stakeholders and partners?

  • How can businesses and the different stakeholders assist each other in defining the skill needs in the short and in the long run?

  • How will the technological changes and innovations affect teaching and learning?

  • How to establish bridges between VET and higher education?


Our Conference is highly interactive, providing considerable opportunity to network and find new partnerships. By popular demand, the mobility marketplace is back providing delegates with a forum session to meet prospective new partners in the promotion and implementation of transnational mobility (Erasmus + Key Action 1) and share ideas and partnership (under Erasmus + Key Action 2 – Strategic Partnership).


Agora / Workshops

Agora is the greek word for Forum and as such we should name this years workshops by this term. They will include the following topical issues facing VET institutions:  Each will consist of small working teams, transnational in nature, to explore key sub topics. Delegates will be encouraged to actively participate in sharing good practice. on Saturday morning the outcomes of each workshop will be presented among all the delegates and after the Conference they will be handed to EU stakeholders. Your opinion matters!

Quality Apprenticeship in Work-Based Learning

Work-based learning, in particular the expansion of apprenticeships, is increasingly recognized as a positive pathway for ensuring that learners develop high quality skills and competences relevant to current and future needs of the labour market. The importance of work based learning in supporting the transition of young people from school to work is extremely high. The different forms of work-based learning (apprenticeships, traineeships, internships and work placements) demand close collaboration between businesses, social partners, VET providers and other stakeholders. This workshop will explore the benefits that arise by the provision of high quality Apprenticeships and WBL drawing on good practices.

Digital learning and how far have we embraced?

Digital revolution and its importance as a tool for learning and the absolute need to promote digital skills in today’s world is highly essential. They remain a vital core skill for life and work and should be treated with the same importance as numeracy and literacy. We, as learning providers, assure we are aware of this reality, but are we? Are we investing enough on our Human capital and resources? Lets explore how far we have moved to meet the challenge.

The upskiling and reskilling of today’s labour force

Ηow will businesses, governments and individuals react to the future changes in work? Reforming education is not enough and it will be too late if we leave this to the education sector only. Businesses should support their workforce re-training, Individuals should take a proactive approach to their own lifelong learning and Governments should create an attractive and flexible environment to assist this. In particular, work and education collaboration within industries will create larger pools of skilled talents. How is this implemented in real life? What are the challenges?

How to establish bridges between VET and HE

We all accept education is the privileged way of overcoming the economic crisis. Are we closing the gap between the need for qualifications and skills (in different subsectors) and the existing provision? Are we focused on the learner and on learning outcomes? Should we refocus the correlation between “policy options” and “real life” ones? How might this be achieved? Are there still differences between the quality and quality assurance mechanisms of different levels and forms of education (including between HE and VET) and among EU Member States? How do we avoid “dead ends”?

How to beat early leaving from education and training

Take a leading role to tackle Early Leaving from VET:


Fighting early leaving from education and training (ELET) is a key element of the Europe 2020 strategy, where the positive effects of reducing ELET on employability and the fight against social exclusion are identified. This is because abandoning education prematurely involves high costs and negative consequences both for society and for individuals. Although the percentages of early leaving from education and training are progressively decreased in Europe over the last years, disparities among and within countries remain high. Still in 2016, around four million young people leave education without an upper-secondary qualification.

Countries implement a variety of measures to address early leaving from education and training, many of them inspired by vocational educational training (VET) practices and pedagogies. Along with these measures, there are some new techniques and tools free to use. CEDEFOP will present the new web toolkit for tackling early leaving ( aimed for policy makers and VET practitioners involved in the design, implementation and evaluation of VET policies and practices to tackle early leaving.

The toolkit is based on an extensive evidence of research published recently by Cedefop: Leaving education early: putting vocational education and training centre stage

It provides practical guidance, tips, good practices and tools in three action areas:

  • identify learners at risk of early leaving or who have already left education;
  • intervene to keep them in or bring them back to the system;
  • evaluate the measures implemented.

Moreover a new self-reflection tool for policy-makers and two evaluation plans (one for policy-makers and one for VET providers) can be used to monitor and evaluate the performance of policies and practices.

Workshop participants are invited to register to the toolkit prior to the event to benefit from and get familiar with its resources.

Industry 4.0 are we ready?

Technology is changing the way business exists, in a very rapid pace. We are already at the time of the Industry Revolution 4.0. Internet of Things, Cloud computing, Cyber Physical Systems, Unmanned vehicles are becoming everyday life and “smart factories” are replacing the conventional ones. The world of production will become more and more networked until everything is interlinked with everything else. There are differences between a typical traditional factory and an Industry 4.0 factory. These changes will create a huge need of trained personnel in different skills, even ones not yet formatted. Is the VET Sector aware of the implications? Are we ready for this?



15:00 - 20:00 Registration of Participants

18:00 - 19:00

Welcome and information session for new members and the first time participants:

“Introduction to EfVET and the conference”

Mr. Santiago García Gutiérrez, President of EfVET and the Steering Committee members

19.00 – 20.00

Welcome reception at The MET Hotel, Thessaloniki, Greece

Mr. George Dimarelos, Deputy Mayor in Education and Athletics and Mr. Spiros Pengas, Deputy Mayor will honor the reception with their presence



The MET Hotel – Restaurant

End of First Day
Welcome to Thessaloniki - Opening the Conference

9.00 – 9.30

Welcome to Thessaloniki and opening of Conference

Panagiotis G. Anastassopoulos EfVET, Greece National Representative

Opening of conference and setting the theme

Mr. Santiago Garcia Gutiérrez, President of EfVET

Message by European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affair, Labour Mobility and Inclusion Ms. Marianne Thyssen (video Message)

9.30 - 10.30

Keynote speakers

1. Mr. Dimitrios Baxevanakis, Deputy Minister of Education, Research & Religious Affairs, Greece 

The importance of VET in Greece

2. Mr. João Santos – Deputy Head of Unit European Commission, Directorate General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion
EU initiatives on VETEmpowering people with “skills for life”

3. Mr. Joachim James Calleja, Director CEDEFOP

“How can businesses and the different stakeholders assist each other in defining the skill needs in the short and in the long run? Locally, Regionally and European level”.

10.30 – 11.15

Open Panel Discussion

Moderator – Ms. Despoina Kanakoglou,
An interactive question and answer session – an opportunity to share your thought with the Speakers

Panel: Mr. Dimitrios Baxevanakis, Deputy Minister of Education and Mr. João Santos, European Commission/ Mr. Joachim James Calleja, CEDEFOP/ VET Director, Mr. Heracles Sioulis, IVEPE-SEV Greece

11:15 - 11:45 Coffee Break

11.45 – 13.15

AGORA: session 1

Quality Apprenticeship in Work-Based LearningWork-based learning, in particular the expansion of apprenticeships, is increasingly recognized as a positive pathway for ensuring that learners develop high quality skills and competences relevant to current and future needs of the labour market. The importance of work based learning in supporting the transition of young people from school to work is extremely high. The different forms of work-based learning (apprenticeships, traineeships, internships and work placements) demand close collaboration between businesses, social partners, VET providers and other stakeholders. This workshop will explore the benefits that arise by the provision of high quality Apprenticeships and WBL drawing on good practices.

Moderator: Mr. Hans Lehmann, EUC Syd and Mr. Hans Severinsen, Køge Business College, Denmark

Rapporteur: Ms. Catarina Esménio, Escola de Comércio de Lisboa, Portugal

How to establish bridges between VET and HEWe all accept education is the privileged way of overcoming the economic crisis. Are we closing the gap between the need for qualifications and skills (in different subsectors) and the existing provision? Are we focused on the learner and on learning outcomes? Should we refocus the correlation between “policy options” and “real life” ones? How might this be achieved? Are there still differences between the quality and quality assurance mechanisms of different levels and forms of education (including between HE and VET) and among EU Member States? How do we avoid “dead ends”?

Moderator: Ms. Stavroula Bibila, CU Coventry, UK and Mr. Stylianos Mavromoustakos, EfVET/Intercollege Nicosia, Cyprus

Rapporteur: Ms. Ute Schmitt, BBS Wirtschaft 1 Ludwigshafen, Germany

Digital learning and how far have we embraced?Digital revolution and its importance as a tool for learning and the absolute need to promote digital skills in today’s world is highly essential. They remain a vital core skill for life and work and should be treated with the same importance as numeracy and literacy. We, as learning providers, assure we are aware of this reality, but are we? Are we investing enough on our Human capital and resources? Lets explore how far we have moved to meet the challenge.

Moderator: Mr. Stefano Tirati, Enegan, Italy and Mr. Norbert Ruepert, ROC Midden Nederland

Rapporteur: Mr. Tibor Dori, Euro-Contact Business School, Hungary

How to beat early leaving from education and trainingCountries implement a variety of measures to address early leaving from education and training, many of them inspired by vocational educational training (VET) practices and pedagogies. Along with these measures, there are some new techniques and tools free to use. CEDEFOP will present the new web toolkit for tackling early leaving ( aimed for policy makers and VET practitioners involved in the design, implementation and evaluation of VET policies and practices to tackle early leaving. The toolkit is based on an extensive evidence of research published recently by Cedefop: Leaving education early: putting vocational education and training centre stageWorkshop participants are invited to register to the toolkit prior to the event to benefit from and get familiar with its resources.

Moderator: Ms. Irene Psifidou, CEDEFOP, Greece

Rapporteur: Mr. Jonathan Harding, Bridgwater and Taunton College, UK

The upskiling and reskilling of today’s labour forceΗow will businesses, governments and individuals react to the future changes in work? Reforming education is not enough and it will be too late if we leave this to the education sector only. Businesses should support their workforce re-training, Individuals should take a proactive approach to their own lifelong learning and Governments should create an attractive and flexible environment to assist this. In particular, work and education collaboration within industries will create larger pools of skilled talents. How is this implemented in real life? What are the challenges?

Moderator: Mr. João Santos, European Commission, Deputy of Head Unit, DG-EMPL Unit 3, Belgium

Rapporteur: Mr. Raimo Sivonen, Kainuu Vocational College, Finland

Industry 4.0 are we ready?Technology is changing the way business exists, in a very rapid pace. We are already at the time of the Industry Revolution 4.0. Internet of Things, Cloud computing, Cyber Physical Systems, Unmanned vehicles are becoming everyday life and “smart factories” are replacing the conventional ones. The world of production will become more and more networked until everything is interlinked with everything else. There are differences between a typical traditional factory and an Industry 4.0 factory. These changes will create a huge need of trained personnel in different skills, even ones not yet formatted. Is the VET Sector aware of the implications? Are we ready for this?

Moderator: Mr. Luca Boetti, I.F.O.A, Italy & Mr. Iñigo Araiztegui Arraiz, TKNIKA, Spain

Rapporteur: Ms. Rasa Zygmantaite, EfVET/ Marijampolės Kolegija, Lithuania

13.15 - 14.30 Lunch

14.30 - 15.30

AGORA: session 2

Quality Apprenticeship in Work-Based Learning
Work-based learning, in particular the expansion of apprenticeships, is increasingly recognized as a positive pathway for ensuring that learners develop high quality skills and competences relevant to current and future needs of the labour market. The importance of work based learning in supporting the transition of young people from school to work is extremely high. The different forms of work-based learning (apprenticeships, traineeships, internships and work placements) demand close collaboration between businesses, social partners, VET providers and other stakeholders. This workshop will explore the benefits that arise by the provision of high quality Apprenticeships and WBL drawing on good practices.

Moderator: Mr. Hans Lehmann, EUC Syd & Mr. Hans Severinsen, Køge Business College, Denmark

Rapporteur: Ms. Catarina Esménio, Escola de Comércio de Lisboa, Portugal.

How to establish bridges between VET and HEWe all accept education is the privileged way of overcoming the economic crisis. Are we closing the gap between the need for qualifications and skills (in different subsectors) and the existing provision? Are we focused on the learner and on learning outcomes? Should we refocus the correlation between “policy options” and “real life” ones? How might this be achieved? Are there still differences between the quality and quality assurance mechanisms of different levels and forms of education (including between HE and VET) and among EU Member States? How do we avoid “dead ends”?

Moderator: Ms. Stavroula Bibila, CU Coventry, UK and Mr Stylianos Mavromoustakos, EfVET/Intercollege Nicosia, Cyprus

Rapporteur: Ms. Ute Schmitt, BBS Wirtschaft 1 Ludwigshafen, Germany

Digital learning and how far have we embraced?Digital revolution and its importance as a tool for learning and the absolute need to promote digital skills in today’s world is highly essential. They remain a vital core skill for life and work and should be treated with the same importance as numeracy and literacy. We, as learning providers, assure we are aware of this reality, but are we? Are we investing enough on our Human capital and resources? Lets explore how far we have moved to meet the challenge.

Moderator: Mr. Stefano Tirati, Enegan, Italy and Mr. Norbert Ruepert, ROC Midden Nederland

Rapporteur: Mr. Tibor Dori, Euro-Contact Business School, Hungary

How to beat early leaving from education and trainingCountries implement a variety of measures to address early leaving from education and training, many of them inspired by vocational educational training (VET) practices and pedagogies. Along with these measures, there are some new techniques and tools free to use. CEDEFOP will present the new web toolkit for tackling early leaving ( aimed for policy makers and VET practitioners involved in the design, implementation and evaluation of VET policies and practices to tackle early leaving. Workshop participants are invited to register to the toolkit prior to the event to benefit from and get familiar with its resources.

Moderator: Ms. Irene Psifidou, CEDEFOP, Greece

Rapporteur: Mr. Jonathan Harding, Bridgwater and Taunton College, UK

The upskiling and reskilling of today’s labour forceΗow will businesses, governments and individuals react to the future changes in work? Reforming education is not enough and it will be too late if we leave this to the education sector only. Businesses should support their workforce re-training, Individuals should take a proactive approach to their own lifelong learning and Governments should create an attractive and flexible environment to assist this. In particular, work and education collaboration within industries will create larger pools of skilled talents. How is this implemented in real life? What are the challenges?

Moderator: Mr. João Santos, European Commission, Deputy of Head Unit, DG-EMPL Unit 3, Belgium

Rapporteur: Mr. Raimo Sivonen, Kainuu Vocational College, Finland

Industry 4.0 are we ready?Technology is changing the way business exists, in a very rapid pace. We are already at the time of the Industry Revolution 4.0. Internet of Things, Cloud computing, Cyber Physical Systems, Unmanned vehicles are becoming everyday life and “smart factories” are replacing the conventional ones. The world of production will become more and more networked until everything is interlinked with everything else. There are differences between a typical traditional factory and an Industry 4.0 factory. These changes will create a huge need of trained personnel in different skills, even ones not yet formatted. Is the VET Sector aware of the implications? Are we ready for this?

Moderator: Mr. Luca Boetti, I.F.O.A, Italy and Mr. Iñigo Araiztegui Arraiz, TKNIKA, Spain

Rapporteur: Ms. Rasa Zygmantaite, EfVET/ Marijampolės Kolegija, Lithuania

15.30 - 16.00 Coffee break

16.00 – 16.15

Promoting Quality in VET Delivery – The WAY Ahead
Presentation of the Subgroup 2 “Learning Providers & EU Mobility”
Tina Bertzelatou, Expert, CEDEFOP Rasa Zygmantaite, Secretary, EfVET

The conference delegates will be presented the steps of the initiative, implemented by CEDEFOP together with VET providers group of experts. EfVET is coordinating sub-group 2- mobility.

During the whole mobility market place, a round table will be open, where the delegates will be invited to join the Community of practitioners and register for participation in the network. Their experience and shared good practices can contribute for developing the quality in all types of EU mobility.

16.15 – 18.00

Mobility and Project Marketplace

This self regulated session offers delegates the opportunity to find or meet partners with a view to developing closer collaboration under Erasmus + and their funded initiatives.

Delegates are invited to meet to discuss potential partnerships both for reciprocal transnational mobility and possible partnerships for KA1 Learning Mobility of Individuals and KA2 strategic partnerships
(note: There will be a ‘Notice Board’ available throughout Conference to post your interests and ideas)

Pre conference preparation will be used to bring potential partners together.
Moderator: Mr. Udo Lut, Landstede

16.15 - 18.00

Parallel session for Leaders and Managers

Visit IVEPE-SEV college
6th km Thessalonikis – Thermis
57001 Thessaloniki
Gather at The Met Hotel reception at 16.00pm
Coach leaves 16.15pm

18.30 - 19.30

Reception at The Met Hotel, Thessaloniki, Greece

After reception free time to explore Thessaloniki.

End of Second Day
08.45 – 9.45 National Board meetings (non-members are very welcome to join the national meetings)

10.00 – 10.20

Keynote speaker

Ms. Anna Mamalaki, Member of BoD of IVEPE SEV
“How training links to employee engagement and operational efficiency”

10.20 – 10.40

Keynote speaker

Ms. Pauline Musset, OECD Directorate for Education and Skills, Policy Analyst
“VET and work-based learning: international lessons from the OECD?”

10.40 - 11.00 Open floor discussion

Moderator – Ms. Despoina Kanakoglou
11.00 - 11.20 Announcement Award for Excellence
11.20 - 12.00 Coffee break

12.00 – 13.00

CEDEFOP Section: Future of Jobs – Future of Skills

Mr. Joachim James Calleja, Director of CEDEFOP and Ms. Irene Psifidou, Expert CEDEFOP 

13.00 – 14.30 Lunch

14.30 – 15.30

Policy developments and Action

Moderator: Mr. Stylianos Mavromoustakos, Vice-President of EfVET

14.30 – 15.30

Round tables: Session 1

Conference offers European project partners the opportunity to disseminate progress, results and products of their Transnational Transfer of Innovation; Development of Innovation and other European initiatives – a key to successful valorization of project outcomes and sustainability
Two sessions of 30 minutes each

15.30 - 15.40 Coffee break

15.40 – 16.40

Round tables: Session 2

Conference offers European project partners the opportunity to disseminate progress, results and products of their Transnational Transfer of Innovation; Development of Innovation and other European initiatives – a key to successful valorization of project outcomes and sustainability
Two sessions of 30 minutes each

16.45 – 17.45

Annual General Meeting


Gala Dinner & Dance

Thessaloniki Concert Hall building M2

Maryiou 25 & Paralia

Thessaloniki 546 46

Gather at The Met Hotel reception at 18.45pm
Coach leaves 19.00-19.15pm

End of Third Day

9.45 – 10.45

Agora/Workshop Feedback

Rapporteurs will be invited to feedback key outcomes from the Agora/Workshops. Evaluation of the workshops via e-vote

Moderator: Mr. Panagiotis G. Anastassopoulos, EfVET, Greece National Representative

10.45 – 11.15 Coffee break

11.15 - 11.40

Conference conclusions

Ms. Despoina Kanakoglou

11.40 – 11.50

Announcement of 27th EfVET Annual International Conference in 2018

11.50 – 12.00

Closing of the conference

Mr. Santiago Garcia Gutiérrez, President of EfVET

13.00 - 19.00

Lunch and Excursion

Gather at the Met Hotel Reception
Coach leaves 12.30



Parko Elias, Veria



Archaeological Museum of Vergina
Macedonian Royal Tombs
Vergina, Greece

End of Fourth Day
Wednesday 25/10/2017
15:00 - 20:00 Registration of Participants

18:00 - 19:00

Welcome and information session for new members and the first time participants:

“Introduction to EfVET and the conference”

Mr. Santiago García Gutiérrez, President of EfVET and the Steering Committee members

19.00 – 20.00

Welcome reception at The MET Hotel, Thessaloniki, Greece

Mr. George Dimarelos, Deputy Mayor in Education and Athletics and Mr. Spiros Pengas, Deputy Mayor will honor the reception with their presence



The MET Hotel – Restaurant

End of First Day
Thursday 26/10/2017
Welcome to Thessaloniki - Opening the Conference

9.00 – 9.30

Welcome to Thessaloniki and opening of Conference

Panagiotis G. Anastassopoulos EfVET, Greece National Representative

Opening of conference and setting the theme

Mr. Santiago Garcia Gutiérrez, President of EfVET

Message by European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affair, Labour Mobility and Inclusion Ms. Marianne Thyssen (video Message)

9.30 - 10.30

Keynote speakers

1. Mr. Dimitrios Baxevanakis, Deputy Minister of Education, Research & Religious Affairs, Greece 

The importance of VET in Greece

2. Mr. João Santos – Deputy Head of Unit European Commission, Directorate General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion
EU initiatives on VETEmpowering people with “skills for life”

3. Mr. Joachim James Calleja, Director CEDEFOP

“How can businesses and the different stakeholders assist each other in defining the skill needs in the short and in the long run? Locally, Regionally and European level”.

10.30 – 11.15

Open Panel Discussion

Moderator – Ms. Despoina Kanakoglou,
An interactive question and answer session – an opportunity to share your thought with the Speakers

Panel: Mr. Dimitrios Baxevanakis, Deputy Minister of Education and Mr. João Santos, European Commission/ Mr. Joachim James Calleja, CEDEFOP/ VET Director, Mr. Heracles Sioulis, IVEPE-SEV Greece

11:15 - 11:45 Coffee Break

11.45 – 13.15

AGORA: session 1

Quality Apprenticeship in Work-Based LearningWork-based learning, in particular the expansion of apprenticeships, is increasingly recognized as a positive pathway for ensuring that learners develop high quality skills and competences relevant to current and future needs of the labour market. The importance of work based learning in supporting the transition of young people from school to work is extremely high. The different forms of work-based learning (apprenticeships, traineeships, internships and work placements) demand close collaboration between businesses, social partners, VET providers and other stakeholders. This workshop will explore the benefits that arise by the provision of high quality Apprenticeships and WBL drawing on good practices.

Moderator: Mr. Hans Lehmann, EUC Syd and Mr. Hans Severinsen, Køge Business College, Denmark

Rapporteur: Ms. Catarina Esménio, Escola de Comércio de Lisboa, Portugal

How to establish bridges between VET and HEWe all accept education is the privileged way of overcoming the economic crisis. Are we closing the gap between the need for qualifications and skills (in different subsectors) and the existing provision? Are we focused on the learner and on learning outcomes? Should we refocus the correlation between “policy options” and “real life” ones? How might this be achieved? Are there still differences between the quality and quality assurance mechanisms of different levels and forms of education (including between HE and VET) and among EU Member States? How do we avoid “dead ends”?

Moderator: Ms. Stavroula Bibila, CU Coventry, UK and Mr. Stylianos Mavromoustakos, EfVET/Intercollege Nicosia, Cyprus

Rapporteur: Ms. Ute Schmitt, BBS Wirtschaft 1 Ludwigshafen, Germany

Digital learning and how far have we embraced?Digital revolution and its importance as a tool for learning and the absolute need to promote digital skills in today’s world is highly essential. They remain a vital core skill for life and work and should be treated with the same importance as numeracy and literacy. We, as learning providers, assure we are aware of this reality, but are we? Are we investing enough on our Human capital and resources? Lets explore how far we have moved to meet the challenge.

Moderator: Mr. Stefano Tirati, Enegan, Italy and Mr. Norbert Ruepert, ROC Midden Nederland

Rapporteur: Mr. Tibor Dori, Euro-Contact Business School, Hungary

How to beat early leaving from education and trainingCountries implement a variety of measures to address early leaving from education and training, many of them inspired by vocational educational training (VET) practices and pedagogies. Along with these measures, there are some new techniques and tools free to use. CEDEFOP will present the new web toolkit for tackling early leaving ( aimed for policy makers and VET practitioners involved in the design, implementation and evaluation of VET policies and practices to tackle early leaving. The toolkit is based on an extensive evidence of research published recently by Cedefop: Leaving education early: putting vocational education and training centre stageWorkshop participants are invited to register to the toolkit prior to the event to benefit from and get familiar with its resources.

Moderator: Ms. Irene Psifidou, CEDEFOP, Greece

Rapporteur: Mr. Jonathan Harding, Bridgwater and Taunton College, UK

The upskiling and reskilling of today’s labour forceΗow will businesses, governments and individuals react to the future changes in work? Reforming education is not enough and it will be too late if we leave this to the education sector only. Businesses should support their workforce re-training, Individuals should take a proactive approach to their own lifelong learning and Governments should create an attractive and flexible environment to assist this. In particular, work and education collaboration within industries will create larger pools of skilled talents. How is this implemented in real life? What are the challenges?

Moderator: Mr. João Santos, European Commission, Deputy of Head Unit, DG-EMPL Unit 3, Belgium

Rapporteur: Mr. Raimo Sivonen, Kainuu Vocational College, Finland

Industry 4.0 are we ready?Technology is changing the way business exists, in a very rapid pace. We are already at the time of the Industry Revolution 4.0. Internet of Things, Cloud computing, Cyber Physical Systems, Unmanned vehicles are becoming everyday life and “smart factories” are replacing the conventional ones. The world of production will become more and more networked until everything is interlinked with everything else. There are differences between a typical traditional factory and an Industry 4.0 factory. These changes will create a huge need of trained personnel in different skills, even ones not yet formatted. Is the VET Sector aware of the implications? Are we ready for this?

Moderator: Mr. Luca Boetti, I.F.O.A, Italy & Mr. Iñigo Araiztegui Arraiz, TKNIKA, Spain

Rapporteur: Ms. Rasa Zygmantaite, EfVET/ Marijampolės Kolegija, Lithuania

13.15 - 14.30 Lunch

14.30 - 15.30

AGORA: session 2

Quality Apprenticeship in Work-Based Learning
Work-based learning, in particular the expansion of apprenticeships, is increasingly recognized as a positive pathway for ensuring that learners develop high quality skills and competences relevant to current and future needs of the labour market. The importance of work based learning in supporting the transition of young people from school to work is extremely high. The different forms of work-based learning (apprenticeships, traineeships, internships and work placements) demand close collaboration between businesses, social partners, VET providers and other stakeholders. This workshop will explore the benefits that arise by the provision of high quality Apprenticeships and WBL drawing on good practices.

Moderator: Mr. Hans Lehmann, EUC Syd & Mr. Hans Severinsen, Køge Business College, Denmark

Rapporteur: Ms. Catarina Esménio, Escola de Comércio de Lisboa, Portugal.

How to establish bridges between VET and HEWe all accept education is the privileged way of overcoming the economic crisis. Are we closing the gap between the need for qualifications and skills (in different subsectors) and the existing provision? Are we focused on the learner and on learning outcomes? Should we refocus the correlation between “policy options” and “real life” ones? How might this be achieved? Are there still differences between the quality and quality assurance mechanisms of different levels and forms of education (including between HE and VET) and among EU Member States? How do we avoid “dead ends”?

Moderator: Ms. Stavroula Bibila, CU Coventry, UK and Mr Stylianos Mavromoustakos, EfVET/Intercollege Nicosia, Cyprus

Rapporteur: Ms. Ute Schmitt, BBS Wirtschaft 1 Ludwigshafen, Germany

Digital learning and how far have we embraced?Digital revolution and its importance as a tool for learning and the absolute need to promote digital skills in today’s world is highly essential. They remain a vital core skill for life and work and should be treated with the same importance as numeracy and literacy. We, as learning providers, assure we are aware of this reality, but are we? Are we investing enough on our Human capital and resources? Lets explore how far we have moved to meet the challenge.

Moderator: Mr. Stefano Tirati, Enegan, Italy and Mr. Norbert Ruepert, ROC Midden Nederland

Rapporteur: Mr. Tibor Dori, Euro-Contact Business School, Hungary

How to beat early leaving from education and trainingCountries implement a variety of measures to address early leaving from education and training, many of them inspired by vocational educational training (VET) practices and pedagogies. Along with these measures, there are some new techniques and tools free to use. CEDEFOP will present the new web toolkit for tackling early leaving ( aimed for policy makers and VET practitioners involved in the design, implementation and evaluation of VET policies and practices to tackle early leaving. Workshop participants are invited to register to the toolkit prior to the event to benefit from and get familiar with its resources.

Moderator: Ms. Irene Psifidou, CEDEFOP, Greece

Rapporteur: Mr. Jonathan Harding, Bridgwater and Taunton College, UK

The upskiling and reskilling of today’s labour forceΗow will businesses, governments and individuals react to the future changes in work? Reforming education is not enough and it will be too late if we leave this to the education sector only. Businesses should support their workforce re-training, Individuals should take a proactive approach to their own lifelong learning and Governments should create an attractive and flexible environment to assist this. In particular, work and education collaboration within industries will create larger pools of skilled talents. How is this implemented in real life? What are the challenges?

Moderator: Mr. João Santos, European Commission, Deputy of Head Unit, DG-EMPL Unit 3, Belgium

Rapporteur: Mr. Raimo Sivonen, Kainuu Vocational College, Finland

Industry 4.0 are we ready?Technology is changing the way business exists, in a very rapid pace. We are already at the time of the Industry Revolution 4.0. Internet of Things, Cloud computing, Cyber Physical Systems, Unmanned vehicles are becoming everyday life and “smart factories” are replacing the conventional ones. The world of production will become more and more networked until everything is interlinked with everything else. There are differences between a typical traditional factory and an Industry 4.0 factory. These changes will create a huge need of trained personnel in different skills, even ones not yet formatted. Is the VET Sector aware of the implications? Are we ready for this?

Moderator: Mr. Luca Boetti, I.F.O.A, Italy and Mr. Iñigo Araiztegui Arraiz, TKNIKA, Spain

Rapporteur: Ms. Rasa Zygmantaite, EfVET/ Marijampolės Kolegija, Lithuania

15.30 - 16.00 Coffee break

16.00 – 16.15

Promoting Quality in VET Delivery – The WAY Ahead
Presentation of the Subgroup 2 “Learning Providers & EU Mobility”
Tina Bertzelatou, Expert, CEDEFOP Rasa Zygmantaite, Secretary, EfVET

The conference delegates will be presented the steps of the initiative, implemented by CEDEFOP together with VET providers group of experts. EfVET is coordinating sub-group 2- mobility.

During the whole mobility market place, a round table will be open, where the delegates will be invited to join the Community of practitioners and register for participation in the network. Their experience and shared good practices can contribute for developing the quality in all types of EU mobility.

16.15 – 18.00

Mobility and Project Marketplace

This self regulated session offers delegates the opportunity to find or meet partners with a view to developing closer collaboration under Erasmus + and their funded initiatives.

Delegates are invited to meet to discuss potential partnerships both for reciprocal transnational mobility and possible partnerships for KA1 Learning Mobility of Individuals and KA2 strategic partnerships
(note: There will be a ‘Notice Board’ available throughout Conference to post your interests and ideas)

Pre conference preparation will be used to bring potential partners together.
Moderator: Mr. Udo Lut, Landstede

16.15 - 18.00

Parallel session for Leaders and Managers

Visit IVEPE-SEV college
6th km Thessalonikis – Thermis
57001 Thessaloniki
Gather at The Met Hotel reception at 16.00pm
Coach leaves 16.15pm

18.30 - 19.30

Reception at The Met Hotel, Thessaloniki, Greece

After reception free time to explore Thessaloniki.

End of Second Day
Friday 27/10/2017
08.45 – 9.45 National Board meetings (non-members are very welcome to join the national meetings)

10.00 – 10.20

Keynote speaker

Ms. Anna Mamalaki, Member of BoD of IVEPE SEV
“How training links to employee engagement and operational efficiency”

10.20 – 10.40

Keynote speaker

Ms. Pauline Musset, OECD Directorate for Education and Skills, Policy Analyst
“VET and work-based learning: international lessons from the OECD?”

10.40 - 11.00 Open floor discussion

Moderator – Ms. Despoina Kanakoglou
11.00 - 11.20 Announcement Award for Excellence
11.20 - 12.00 Coffee break

12.00 – 13.00

CEDEFOP Section: Future of Jobs – Future of Skills

Mr. Joachim James Calleja, Director of CEDEFOP and Ms. Irene Psifidou, Expert CEDEFOP 

13.00 – 14.30 Lunch

14.30 – 15.30

Policy developments and Action

Moderator: Mr. Stylianos Mavromoustakos, Vice-President of EfVET

14.30 – 15.30

Round tables: Session 1

Conference offers European project partners the opportunity to disseminate progress, results and products of their Transnational Transfer of Innovation; Development of Innovation and other European initiatives – a key to successful valorization of project outcomes and sustainability
Two sessions of 30 minutes each

15.30 - 15.40 Coffee break

15.40 – 16.40

Round tables: Session 2

Conference offers European project partners the opportunity to disseminate progress, results and products of their Transnational Transfer of Innovation; Development of Innovation and other European initiatives – a key to successful valorization of project outcomes and sustainability
Two sessions of 30 minutes each

16.45 – 17.45

Annual General Meeting


Gala Dinner & Dance

Thessaloniki Concert Hall building M2

Maryiou 25 & Paralia

Thessaloniki 546 46

Gather at The Met Hotel reception at 18.45pm
Coach leaves 19.00-19.15pm

End of Third Day
Saturday 28/10/2017

9.45 – 10.45

Agora/Workshop Feedback

Rapporteurs will be invited to feedback key outcomes from the Agora/Workshops. Evaluation of the workshops via e-vote

Moderator: Mr. Panagiotis G. Anastassopoulos, EfVET, Greece National Representative

10.45 – 11.15 Coffee break

11.15 - 11.40

Conference conclusions

Ms. Despoina Kanakoglou

11.40 – 11.50

Announcement of 27th EfVET Annual International Conference in 2018

11.50 – 12.00

Closing of the conference

Mr. Santiago Garcia Gutiérrez, President of EfVET

13.00 - 19.00

Lunch and Excursion

Gather at the Met Hotel Reception
Coach leaves 12.30



Parko Elias, Veria



Archaeological Museum of Vergina
Macedonian Royal Tombs
Vergina, Greece

End of Fourth Day





The MET hotel


Google Map